ID 101 - 4: The voices
We all have, at least, a little voice in our heads. While I was entangled in a mainstream reality, I interpreted these simply as the typical good voice / bad voice and attributed it to what everybody calls a conscience.
As my spiritual awareness developed, these became more nuanced. Once we are introduced to concepts such as that of a Higher Self, an Eternal Soul, Spirit Guides, Spirit Teachers, and Spirits and Ancestors, the ideas of voices in the head becomes worthy of much more attention.
Voices are not necessarily “voices”. They can be images, visions, sounds, feelings, “sensing”, smells, or almost anything at all.
It is easy to see how easy it would be to misinterpret anything that comes out of our head/mind … a dream is not necessarily a premonition. It could be an expression of what happened to us, of our brain processing certain information. Similarly, a voice, can be created by our imagination. And everything we feel, hear, see, and whatnot is interpreted by the limited understanding capability of our brains.
Schizophrenia is a word that comes to mind when discussing this. And it quite rightly should. I have asserted in the past, and if I recall correctly even discussed it on Quora, that psychics and mediums are likely to be “working” schizophrenics. If this were to be the case, it would have obvious implications for the treatment and care of schizophrenia, which should be more psycho-spiritual-dynamic than medication based.
In fact, mediums train to manage these voices. They have support groups where they help each other. They practice forms of “protection” from “bad” voices. Diagnosed schizophrenics do not get this sort of help, which could be the reason for the need of medication. There are aboriginal cultures around the world whose shamans seem to share similar beliefs.
In fairness, when I started paying more attention to the voices in my head, if I hadn’t had my spiritual beliefs and support group, I would have thought I was going crazy. In fact, I always question whether I am “crazy”, and how certifiably so I may be. Whether I use my beliefs to hide my madness. Whether I am deluded, and it is all in my head.
After all, I have always known I was different. I always ignored it, but I knew. Even when I was pretending to be “normal”, I wasn’t. So, maybe I am deluded now, as I was then. I am certainly not qualified to judge and retain this thought as a possibility in the back on my mind!
Qualifying the voices
Interestingly, the development of a Unified Theory of the Universe, and the consequent birth of the concept of post-Spiritual(ism) has opened my mind as to the origins of the voices. Our awareness and reception of these “channels” of communication is dependent on our body’s (and brain’s) own quantum capabilities, and on our consciousness linking to that of other entities. Once the two are connected, information flows similarly to how it does between neurons in the brain.
While this may not be directly related, or relevant, to the issues at hand, I thought I’d mention it because I think it’s cool!
However, the way these voices present themselves differ between voices, and occasions.
Voices in the mind
Voices in the mind sound like the ones in the head but are different from the others. Usually, these voices talk about Universal Truths, Spiritual Development, and other big existential subjects. Aside from the deep subjects, I recognise them because they are often accompanied by images.
My brain is not particularly good at processing images. Even my dreams do not always contain images. When I meditate I can’t “visualise” like other people seem capable to. So, when I see images, I know they did not generate in my brain.
I generally interpret these inputs as Inspiration, and usually attribute these to my Spirit Teacher Eagle Wings, or to my Higher Self. E.g., if it’s some information about the Universe it is probably from the Spirit Teacher, it is some information about ME, it’s probably my Higher Self (i.e., Soul, Consciousness, Neuron in the Universal Net, whatever we want to call it).
Voices in the head
These are somewhat difficult to attribute. Usually, I use the subject and content of these conversations to understand where they come from. This is combined with an awareness of what ideas I “own”. That seems to be instinctive.
In this way I can easily identify my other personalities and my own brain’s thoughts.
All the others are then likely to come from some kind of external source, possibly Spirits, Spirit Guides, and the likes.
External voices
External voices do make me turn my head! Usually, they sound like someone whispering in my ear. One or two words only. Often just calling out my name.
I attribute these to entities. These entities could be Spirits, Fairies(?), or whatnot. I have not yet been able to identify these in more details. However, since these are exceedingly rare and extremely limited in scope, understanding these is not a priority at this point.
Psyche originated (i.e., thoughts)
These are just my thoughts, and I can easily recognise them because I own them.
Life’s voices
It is worth mentioning here life’s voices. These are every day’s sounds, inputs, which require appropriate responses. While a superficial person may not consider at the same level as the others, they are all “voices” that at a cerebral level must be processed. Hence, they do have to share “processing time” in the brain.
I am certain someone will object strongly to my next few sentences. I am aware that many think that life’s voices should be prioritised. Yet, I wonder why! Why should the “real” world interfere with the progression of my Spiritual Development? Or even my personal, or emotional, or mental development?
I disagree with and disapprove of the current social construct. I decide what to prioritise!
Unentangling the voices
So, over time I became used to a range of Spirit Guides, and to my Spirit Teacher. However, only one “presence” was always there.
He was a child. Around 4-5 years old. In winter clothing. Thick coat, scarf, woolly hat, rosy cheeks, and a naughty and mischievous look contained in an endearing ear-to-ear smile.
He used to pop in my head mainly when I was down. He’d just run around laughing. And that cheered me up. He never said anything. HE DIDN’T NEED TO. Just his look and his laugh, and his vibe was enough to fill my heart and raise my spirits no matter how devastating I thought life was at that moment.
The other guides have always been keen to tell me what I should or shouldn’t do. Follow your Soul’s purpose … You are off track … Focus … etc. Eagle Wings was the only one who always said that I should follow my heart too … eventually my Heart and my Soul will lead to the same place.
But this lil’ one never said anything. He would just pop in my head, laugh, run around a little, as if expecting me to chase him. Then he would disappear.
Also, he and Eagle Wings were the only two I could see.
With some hindsight, I can now see some new minutiae.
It took me a long time to heed this little detail. As mentioned above, my brain doesn’t work in images. What is presented as images usually comes from my mind.
Probably I ignored this detail for such a long time because it would have forced me to review my perspective on the brain-head-mind paradigm I came up with (was that my idea or …?).
However, there is an explanation that does not change the hypothesis and extends it instead.
This is that even though lil’ one and I may have two distinct personalities, we share one body, one brain, and one mind. That means that my mind is aware of these personalities. Of each of them. So, there is no reason why it could not or should not establish a link between the two.
I believe that this is exactly what happened, see The clues I gave myself (Coming soon)
But this latter realisation of this potentiality didn’t come to my mind until much later.