Quora - July 11, 2023: Compartmentalizing depression & anxiety

Ok, I am going to give a bit of a different perspective. We are a multiplicity, and I am the one in charge of “depression”. But we don’t call it that, we call it the sadness because we find the term depression very invalidating.

I am Triste (which means Sad in Italian).

So, let me first dispel a myth. Depression and Anxiety (that’s Timor in our system) are often curable.

Example 1: curable

Let me give you an example:

OMG I run out of milk for my cereals, it is raining, and Getir is not going to be here for at least 37 minutes!

That situation can trigger both anxiety and depression … and it is bearable and curable.

Example 2: is it curable?

And the one above is a good example of why anxiety and depression are invalidating, if we think:

OMG I am alive and I can’t stop breathing!

The whole living/unliving thing takes a different perspective.


So, it depends where the sadness and fear originated. If we are sad because of current events, and that causes us anxiety, that it likely to be curable/treatable.

However, if we are sad and scared because that was hardwired into our brain … then nothing can stop it short of a hard-rewire … if that’s even possible.

We don’t know if it is. I know my other alters in the family love me very much and they do everything they can to make me happy. And I am super-grateful for that.

But the sadness never goes away. Of course I can smile. Of course I rejoice of seeing my fam happy. And there is no doubt in my mind that their love fills my heart with what should be soothing and endearing emotions.

But the sadness never goes away. Everybody tells me how sad my eyes look even when I laugh …

I don’t mean to … I try … that’s just how it is …

And Timor doesn’t stop being afraid just because he pretends to … we endure. This is the way! πŸ–€

See this post on Quora

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