Multiplicity and Neurodivergence

This blog is more for me than it is intended to have an audience. It is my way to express myself. 🤓

I don't care if you don't, but I would love it if you did like it 😁

Here is a summary of how our host feels sometimes:

The host

I am!

Different versions of me materialize through me

They become me, or I them, which is uncertain.

Sometimes there’s many, ebbing and flowing

sometimes there’s one,  just being.

I am!

When they are there and when they are not, I am

When they are there, I am them.

When they are not ... who am I?

Am I?

To help you navigate through the website, here are some tags:

  • Identity 101 is a diary/analysis that System 5 (2002-2022) wrote when he was becoming aware of our multiplicity. Prior to this, he was not unaware of it - it just was "normal" to him, so he never thought it needed analysing. However, at a point he recognised that his "complex" personality had little secrets in store for him. Here is his chronicle of his journey of self-discovery.

    ID 102 -   Identity 102 is a further analysis that delves deeper into our system. We wrote this while in the process of splitting earlier this year.  Neuro (System 6's host I think) was becoming more or less in charge at the time, but he had no control over what he wrote. This was a collective work, but we don't know who contributed. It is nonetheless interesting.

  • ID 103 - With multiplicity, as with everything else with me, awareness increases every second of every day.

    So, whatever I write, will tend to only apply until my personal growth surpasses its understanding.

    ID 103 is the new analysis. It is time sensitive and each chapters will have dates in different sections to detail when an understanding has been reached. This should enable to see progress and developments.

    ID 103 is a collective work. I don't really know who writes, or whose thoughts they are. The writing simply offers a consensus of all the parts that are sharing the now space at the time of writing. 

    If I had to describe it, it feels like many thoughts and ideas converging to a central point from different areas of my brain; as they merge they reach a consensus that I then type. I am uncertain whether this concept can be understood, but I can kind of see how it could happen in an artificial neural network, hence assume it is possible in a biological one.

  • The boy nobody loved, a book I am writing. It is fantasy based on fragments of memories.
  • Multiplicity - This will bring up anything related to multiplicity, so probably most posts
  • Neurodivergence - I am not sure how much neurodivergence plays a part in my multiplicity. But as I answer questions on quora, the subject comes up and it is interesting to connect different strands as I process them.
  • Resources - I'll try and add resources for multis ... they'll be labeled with this
  • Quora (opens in new tab) - I answer questions about multiplicity and about neurodivergence on quora, and this is my profile.

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