ID 102 - 2: Brain reset theory

I have made some progress since the previous analysis. I have used sensory inputs, reason, and intuition gained in the past few months to refine my theory.

The assumption here is that the brain works in a manner similar to that of a computer.

Or rather, should I be pedantic, we make computers that work in a similar way to that of the universe. Our creations are fractals of ourselves, and we are fractals of the Universe.

Brain reset

Brain resets affect the neurological configuration and has a range of cognitive, emotional, and physiological effects.

A reset can be focused on specific memories, emotions, events, or it can affect the whole system.

Figure 1: Brain reset process


I hypothesise that during a reset, the relevant data is consolidated in a specific area of the brain, which is then sealed off.

The “data” can include actually data, consisting of memories, emotions, ideas, etc. as well as configuration information, such as connection rules, weightings, decision making algorithms, etc. This enables the storage not only of memories, but also of complete personality sets.

A 3-layer seal would allow for a control mechanism to lock/unlock the data set when required. This is very likely why when I think about buried memories, I imagine them as either files or boxes, sealed, with a summary like “open at your own risk” and some kind of ribbon that can be pulled open.

My assertion here is that, depending on how extensive a reset is, it may cause a regression in behaviour and loss of skills.

However, observation would seem to suggest that while the brain resets, it still retains the latest lessons learnt, although these are not aware any longer. For example, since my last reset, I had felt a need to keep away from people. However, I had forgotten the details of why that was the case.

This was then revealed when I opened my previous analysis which required to be processed afresh for the memories’ power to be fully restored.


Memory reintegration

This part of the theory has been developed thanks to first-hand experience, combined with analysis, and Lil’ One’s own narrative.

Figure 2: Memory re-integration 1


Reintegrating memories and personalities is dependent on removing the seals that prevent communication to the neural cluster.

I think in my case opening up Lil’ One before anyone else has been very important. Lil’ One is the original code, and he is pivotal in helping me removing any kind of conditioning that has been applied.


Figure 3: Memory re-integration 2


Once the seal was removed, Lil One was free to connect to the neighbouring neurons to both learn from the brain, but also to share his own memories and network/neural identity.

Part 1 of this analysis describes very clear lines between V5 and Lil One. V5 could see and feel Lil’ One’s emotions but he didn’t share them. He was an external observer.

Now these lines are blurring more and more every day. I don’t only share his emotions, but also his thoughts.

He is still quite elusive, and at times I don’t feel him for days. Other times, however, it feels like he snuggles in and wears me like a coat.


Figure 4: Memory re-integration 3

I think he’s making strides connecting to the other areas of the brain. Sensorially, there’s been tingling spreading from the centre into all other areas of the brain. Also, the sides of the brain seem to contain long-distance connections that stretch from either side of the brain.

I believe he has broken down some of the seals from areas of protected memories, and both emotional and sensory implications are quite great. More in The boys (Coming soon).

Figure 5: Memory re-integration 4

At this stage, I guess logically, the brain would need to start working on achieving some kind of neural optimal configuration (see Optimal neurological configuration on page 9).


Figure 6: Memory re-integration 5


These steps are then repeated for each are of locked memories/identities.

Optimal neurological configuration

As the differences in dexterity and cognitive abilities of Gym Guy vs Nerdy Guy attest, the brain can maintain multiple neurological configurations, possibly through compartmentalization.

That indicates that even opening up a previously sealed neural area (whether a memory, a thought process (i.e., an opinion), through to a full “personality”) would not necessarily implicate a re-configuration of the main operating neural organization.

However, neuroplasticity would require that the brain reviews new connections and attempts to integrate those that provide improvements whether due to increased efficiency, or assigning greater validity compared to existing ones.

It is therefore reasonable to hypothesize that whenever an area of the brain is opened up, the brain will assess compatibility with existing processes.

The image below gives an overview of these hypothesised compatibility test considerations.


Figure 7: Optimal Neurological Configuration


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