ID 101 - 10: Mulling it over (II)
November 25, 2021 As I think about the situation, I get angrier and angrier. The people whom I trusted the most are the ones who hurt me the most. Everyone conspired to kill my soul. I was not “right”. Something was wrong about me. From "father", and that “family”. Then my exes, although the last one is a slightly different case. It seems everyone either used me or twisted what I did and said against me. I don’t know what they saw in me, but it wasn’t the real me. Acceptance A, B, and C were the only people who accepted me and saw my real me. I ponder whether A was like me. Kindred spirit. B and C saw me for who I was. A weird boy with a lot to offer. I guess the “family” calling me a rabid dog had some truth in it. I was a little like a puppy. Always available. Always loving. Always dependable. Loyal to the death. And I still am. Interestingly, nobody seems to notice my intelligence, or my mind, which are my best qualities. They also saw my weaknesses. Clueless. Naïve. Easy ...