Quora - July 16, 2023: Complex systems
Can someone with a polyfragmented system help explain it a bit more? We've looked it up, and usually the top results say polyfragmented systems are defined by a high alter count. Is this true, or is there more that goes into it? (We will be doing more research!)
TW: Mention different types of abuse
Ok, this is our theory of how complex systems work. This is based from talking to others as well as our own personal experience.
Let’s start with the diagram. At the top level we have brain inputs/outputs. Below that we have conscious/unconscious, etc. Structural Dissociation creates an additional layer of consciousness that enables the separation between body (physical) consciousness, and other levels of consciousness.
Then, we consider trauma that starts too early for any sensible degree of integration between action systems (see Theory of Structural Dissociation, a few references are available here: References)
This means that early on, instead of developing a single personality, a child develops fragments that store specific trauma data in as a dissociated form as possible.
The fragments then consolidate around personality types, blending and merging with different compatible other fragments to make up the necessary brain processing power required to deal with life. This creates subsystems that then consolidate around bigger systems who then compete for managing the now-space.
This means that eventually, there will be a super-system which will be made up of systems, subsystems, alters/selves/parts/fragments/facets, etc..
The 5 dimensions of Consciousness
Humans are so used to working integratively in everything they do, that they fail to see the details of the un-integrated components of human consciousness.
For example, when we learn to run, we automatically combine the various inputs and outputs without giving it much thought. Yet, there are 5 dimensions to everything we do:
- Physical (body) which includes 8 senses, and monitors how we carry out the action,
- Emotional (heart) which include how we feel and what motivates us to carry out a certain action,
- Mental (mind) is the actual decision to take a certain action,
- Spiritual (soul) which includes additional motivation or limiting factors,
- Time (time) which includes an awareness of different stages.
Important points to note is that:
- Each of those dimensions is multidimensional too, for example, physical has 3 axes, Time has now, before, and after,
- The intersections of each dimension with each other creates further intermediate dimensions,
- The intersection of all 5 dimensions constitutes the NOW-SPACE.
It is possible to understand this better from the perspective of string theory where
- each dissociated instance is a dot and
- Each dot belongs to one or multiple string (strand) of consciousness.
- Strands can then combine in streams of consciousness and
- they could be intra-dimensional (e.g., 3D in the physical world),
- multi-dimensional (e.g., Physical + Emotional),
- inter-dimensional (i.e., encompassing all possible dimensions)
This is consistent to how some of our hosts and their parts perceive reality or recall events.
In fact, we are starting to believe that our identity streams are reasonably well defined around the 4 pillars of human existence:
- Heart, (EPs, Introjects, and feeling parts)
- Mind, (ANPs, doers, and strategic protectors)
- Body, (Survival and Physical protectors)
- Soul, (Healing and soothing parts)
In our case, there were intersections up to the age of 10. After that, however the personalities associated with the Heart and Soul were increasingly silenced. Which is aligned with the requirement of survival.
When we reached our mid-30s and even more after the death of our caregivers in 2008 we have had a stronger and stronger pull towards the missing components of our identity. Now everybody is waking up, and coming home, so to speak.
It is an exciting time.
The one dimension we have difficulty with is the time dimension. We are very aware of the NOW-Space. But the rest, we simply call it the NOT-NOW-Space.
The body consciousness
Our theory asserts that the earlier the trauma starts, the greater the degree of fragmentation of the adult system.
When the trauma starts early enough, the need to dissociate the mind from the current situation enables the body to form its own fragmented consciousness associated with establishing or established action systems.
By consciousness we should not understand a fully self-aware ego-full person. Both an amoeba and an elephant are self-aware. However, they are so in very different ways with unequal appreciation of the environment around them and great discrepancy in the ability to affect their environment.
This newly acquired consciousness, will enable the body to respond to stimuli without the interaction of the brain/consciousness.
In the long run this creates a very high degree of interoception.
This separation between body and mind enables survival on a pure physiological level and an absolute distinction in what can truly be considered mind over matter so aspired to by many spiritual fans.
Consciousness is a function of the number, quality, and quantity of neural connections within an action system.
Example 1: Physical Abuse
Physical abuse takes many forms and does not distinguish between domestic violence and any form of physical violence/restraint. As well as in domestic abuse, sexual, religious, neglect, etc. can include physical elements.
Depending on the type, there is tensing of the muscles accompanied by a suitable type of breathing, and one can either try and be tough and stay silent or might be loud (this may depend on the consequences of either response).
There are lots of muscle groups spread over diverse parts of the body that need simultaneous control.
The body being able to respond to the situation without cognitive or emotional participation is key. Being able to zone out is priceless.
Example 2: Sexual Abuse
In sexual abuse the muscle groups can be spread over the whole body. Even the most physically competent person will not be able to manage at their best.
As well as issue in the genital and anal areas, there are also issues around the face, breathing, restricted movement, problems swallowing, and much more.
Again, to minimise damage it is important that the body’s responses can be granular and independent from cognitive and emotional processing.
Example 3: Neglect
We have disparate systems involved. Again, the goal is to automate physiological responses so that emotional and cognitive participation in the process is minimal or non-existent.
Controlling basic needs like hunger, cleanliness, thirst, light, stimulation involve achieving a greater level of detachment from a physical self for very long spells. While we remove ourselves from IRL, however, the body needs to keep going.
Example 4: Emotional & Psychological Abuse
All of the examples above remove the need for the participation of the main personality in certain events. That create the need for alternate personalities to manage the situation in times of crisis. This is where the alters are created.
TL;DR Conclusion
This is a very brief summary and only intended to give an overview of our opinions.
After conversations with other systems, our experience would suggest that the earlier trauma may greatly increase the level of fragmentation of a future system.
The process of identity formation is therefore further fragmented instead of being consolidated. There is therefore a conflict between the natural propensity of the brain to associate with a need to dissociate. Brains that are most successful at supporting this contradictory neurological configuration are naturally more apt at becoming “poly-fragmented” systems.
There are two basic split of identity, a physical one from a cognitive and emotional one.
Brains that can support this configuration will be more apt at masking their condition.
However, it must be noted that systems with not so many alters but vast inner world can cause a very high degree of complexity.
Here is a reference
I hope this helps, I wish you all the best! 💜