Quora - June 24, 2023: Location of the voices in the head!

Well, there are many different types of “voices”, and each has specific characteristics. The ones I am familiar with are:

  1. Inner Selves/Alters/Internal Family systems
  2. Intuition/Inspiration
  3. Channelling (Spirits or Otherworldly Creatures)
  4. “Rumblings” in the ether, so to speak.

So, I’ll tell you a little about my experience of these 😁.

But first:

What are voices?

Here is an interesting video I bookmarked a while ago on the science of voices in the head

I wanted to briefly mention that “voices” can take many forms, and are not always auditory. Sometimes they may consist of sensations, images, words, and thoughts, or any combination of these.

I do not have any personal experience of negative voices. That doesn’t mean that I have never experiences voices being critical. They have been critical on many occasions, but I never detected any ill intention.

As a disclaimer, I must declare that these explanations are in line with my belief system. They might, however, not align with yours.

Ok, let’s start with:


I get this mainly during daydreaming or meditation.

For example, I might have a problem to solve to which I cannot find a solution, not matter how hard I try. Then one day I might go to the park and sit by the pond. My eye is caught by the ripples on the surface and I often start daydreaming. Somehow ideas, options, analysis, outlooks, come to me … often in the form of words, but sometimes as instant thoughts. Location: Thoughts whizzing through the brain, a little like a storm in slow motion.

Other times, I might have a question and I will meditate on it. Then somehow someone is giving me answers. Often by talking, but it could be any other means mentioned in the section above. Interestingly, when I research the information given to me in my meditations I find it is often science backed, even if just on a theoretical level. I am sure some of these ideas are apparent from some of my answers here of Quora. Location: Tingling of the crown of the head.

“Rumblings” in the ether.

This feels like entering a crowded room where everyone is whispering to each other in small groups. It is a noise, a mormouring … It can feel like a sound, but there are also sensory inputs being activated, such as the skin (goosebumps) and core temperature (feeling cold).

I do get this in cemeteries, sometimes in empty spaces, in very old buildings …

I am not actually sure that these are real voices. They could in fact be echoes that are picked up by my empathy sensors, and that the voices and sensation is how my body interprets the information.

Some say I’m psychic, I’m not sure I’d go that far, but certainly there is some kind of energy that I am sensitised to.

Location: Sometimes these can be sensed from the hearing canal, but they are not exactly sounds, They feel more like waves. The ones in the brain seem to be “received” so to speak and the crown of the head can tingle.

Channelling (Spirits or Otherworldly Creatures)

We have been focusing on the next one below lately, so in the past year or so we have not experienced channelling very much.

Before then, however, it meant having and writing someone else’s knowledge and experience. This was usually done in a meditative state. It was some kind of automatic writing. It is similar to what happens now with my inner selves, however those were about universal knowledge, rather than about my childhood.

Location: Tingling of the crown of the head.

Inner Selves/Alters/Internal Family systems

In the past couple of years I also became aware of “others” living rent-free in my head. Fortunately, they are lovely people so, we get along quite well.

It is ironic that we use the same for communicating as when channelling and the automatic writing. However, the source of the thoughts is different. They are clearly thoughts that are not my own, but are generated by my brain.

Location: Varies by self, but seem to be consistent for each where they seem to generate in specific sections of the brain.

Own thoughts and ideas

We also have our own thoughts floating around the brain. Sometimes we put something at the back of our mind, and others something else comes to mind.

These two can be interpreted as inner voices, in the sense of an inner self that works as a magnetic board where we hang our thoughts and emotions.

Location: Thoughts whizzing through the brain, a little like a storm in slow motion.


So, voices can take many forms and from different locations. As we become more used to detect them, they “sound” less like voices, and it is possible to interpret the energy fluctuations that generate thoughts and ideas and their approximate origin. πŸ’œ

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