
Showing posts from May, 2023

Quora - May 10, 2023: What is an alter?

What's the best way to explain what alters REALLY are to someone who isn't getting it, and just thinks that it's just the body's owner being different and using a different name for it? I think the problem is that nobody really knows what is going on, so it is impossible to explain. I’ll share my approach, and see how you feel about it. Even when I think about it, it is a difficult concept to explain. Let me share with you an event that helped me understand. My littles are left handed. I promised them I would do my best to learn to use my left side more. And in fairness I was always trying. However, I often forgot. One of the agreements was that I’d start eating left-handed for practice. But I kept forgetting at least until I was half-way through a meal. Sometimes I completely forgot. One day, as I was mindlessly eating holding a spoon with my right hand, my left hand snatched it, filled it and brought it to my mouth in what felt like a fit of rage. Experientially, it ...

Quora - May 9, 2023: Child selves

Describe a particular time or an ongoing situation where you felt you were acting as a child more than an adult, where it seemed a young child part was in charge. While you’re doing this, perhaps you can extend some compassion, curiosity, or another of the 8 Cs or 5 Ps to this part. This is a recurring question which will refresh periodically. If you’ve written about this before you can write about the same part here or a different one, whatever you feel like sharing. I have so many instances … At the moment I am focusing on my child selves and parts. They are at a stage where they know that times are different. They know that the inner world is safe, and they know that they are loved and accepted. Also, they know that they are now allowed to be children. No need to worry about IRL, no fear, no need to protect. They are free. I have aphantasia, so I don’t have an inner world. We do have a campfire-type-thingy, but there is no fire, just the camp in the darkness. It doesn’t look like mu...

Quora - May 7, 2023: Depression

  What can you tell non-depressed people about people with depression? One of my selves writing about depression. I wish they stopped calling it depression. Depression is what people get when they run out of beer and the local shop is closed. Making coffee with the last drop of milk, and then pour the coffee on the cereals … that causes depression. Depression is when you missed the train to work and you have to wait 2 minutes for the next one. Oh my favourite team lost a match … I’m so depressed. Life is so depressing … password sharing on Netflix is not possible anymore … I wish people understood that what they call “depression” is actually more likely to be comparable to desolation, resignation, psychospiritual existential emptiness. Nihilistic stoicism. Hope for the best in the knowledge that realistically we can only expect the worst. An awareness that no matter how hard we work to attain moments of joys, they are in reality much more fleeting than one would desire. They say th...

Quora - May 5, 2023: Communication with selves

Have you ever had good communication, lost it, and then got it back? What are your favourite tips/tricks for internal communication? Communication in my opinion, is especially ephemeral. It is one of its principal properties. Whether internally or externally. Therefore, good communication is a fully reciprocal iterative process of expression and explanation. Where one first expresses their opinion then explains what they mean. Although this model does not prevent misunderstandings, when properly implemented it can resolve them. “What do you mean ?” And “ What I mean is” are commonplace Q&As in appropriately inquisitive interactions. For example, I’ve known of my little one for a couple of years. Communication has been consistent and emotionally intense. A few flashbacks have been shared. We got really close. I knew I was missing something, but just kept at it. Sometimes communication was wonderful. Not verbal, but it was certainly about bonding, spending time together. ...

Quora: May 1, 2023 - Working with Parts in IFS

What is your routine and structure for your parts work? Please share about the steps you take that have worked for you in connecting with your parts in a healing way. This is a very insightful question that we are grateful for as it enables us to focus our attention and analysis on a review of our current perspective, approach, and circumstances. It will be great to hear comments from others. Setting the scene Since we became aware of our multiplicity, we have changed our approach to parts work to reflect the improved understanding of their needs. Firstly, the host split twice. As our host has functioned as a gatekeeper amongst his many roles, that has meant that our whole "gatekeeping" has changed. The original host was mainly a business manager. And he used to manage life as a business. He was incredibly efficient, and our system run like clockwork. He was the one who discovered our multiplicity, analysed it, and came up with a plan on how to develop our system fairly and e...